This week we and our host family here in Wooster Ohio got to go on a car tour in the Amish country. We saw beautiful farms and seeming simple way of life. I marvelled at the wide spread fields and cows grazing peacefully and it made me remember moments in my younger years. You see I am the granddaughter of a Pennsylvanian farmer. I have fond memories of parts of summers spent on the farm with Grandpa Shreckengost and my three cousins who lived there. Grandpa would let us ride on top of the hay wagon or go watch the cows being milked in the barn.
I liked the smell of the fresh cut hay but not so much of the smell when grandpa had spread the manure on the surrounding fields. When we were hot and sweaty from playing outside we could go to the spring house and drink from a metal ladle the wonderful ice cold water.
I can still picture the beautiful plowed fields and watch as the machines dropped the seeds in place. We knew that one day the corn would pop up and soon the fields would be full of corn waving in the wind. We never questioned whether there would be a harvest. Grandpa was a good farmer and he had dedicated a lot of time to make sure of that. He had a strong faith in His God and I can still see him now sitting with his Bible in his weather worn hands after a long day in the fields spending time with His Lord. Thank you for this great heritage and the memories that those Amish fields brought to my mind.
It made me think of a promise that God made to Noah back in Genesis 8:22:
“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease.”
God, who was in control back in the time of Noah, is the same God who is in control of our world. We can trust Him.